Wake Your Sleeping Giant! He was Sleeping Too Long ...

The brain is more sophisticated than the elements of the universe, for it has nothing to someone who is "foolish" but just lazy to enable his brain. Did you know? The adult human brain has 100 billion nerve sel2 total relationship with one nerve cell synapses with other nerve cells in the white substance of the brain as much as 0:15 quadrilion (billion square of four). If it's all stretched out one by one her long enough to trip the earth - moon round trip. That means your body is fit to save the earth whole. What excuse can we all get rid of the hypothesis that intelligent?In this new world there is one man who is able to activate 10% of his brain power, which Albert Einstein. With 10% to that he was able to create the theory of relativity that the formula became the basis of space science technology, also found the nuclear bomb that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War II. Interestingly, not many know that Albert Einstein was retarded students in elementary school.Have a moment in time you feel not as smart as the A, or felt unable to compensate for the B, etc.? He said no man is a fool. Then we hide where the real intelligence?Often within a community, they live with the same mindset and doing the same routine, in order to achieve the same goal. If there is one person in a long time unable to adapt and productively in accordance with the standards in it, he will be subject to the stigma of "stupid". This applies in schools, workplaces, a township, anywhere. The word "stupid" comes about because he was not able to deliver what people want.That is, "stupid" just an idea that others impose on him.On one episode of National Geographic that I watched about 3 years ago I learned something. In dudukaan a 6-month-old baby on her lap in the dark. Its a few meters in front of the stage revealed a small light with 5 rubber ducks. When the two rubber ducks in the lid with a black cardboard, and disappeared two, the baby playing with his mother as usual. Yet when two black cardboard covered rubber duck, then as a black cardboard in the lift there are 7 rubber ducks, the baby looked puzzled, and stared into the continuous rubber duck. This occurred in 10 babies the same age at the time carefully.I began to think that human intelligence is not obtained from outside, but already in humans since the beginning, it's just a way to open the different intelligences.Also, if someone has a talent in a particular field, it's an unconscious habit has been done in the womb. For example, a pregnant friend of mine has always played the song "Mary Had A Little Lamb" on the piano, while his son is 2 years old he suddenly humming tone Lamb Mary Had A litle. Though her mother never taught him.Toys and games that introduced species can also affect the child's interests and talents of the child. For example, according to a little research I did in 2010. All my life I always have the ability to fine art that is more than my friends at school and campus. One of my colleagues asked, what toys are given by my mother when I was a toddler. I gasped and realized, his answer is colored stationery. My hobby time was fouled walls with crayons, pencils, pens, sepidol, to full, but never in the mother scolded. Then I surveyed my friends who are less able to draw, is almost entirely given the tools to answer the picture, but only when supervised draw.We can all be geniuses if we know how to menstimulai brain. In 2005 the school has been established to enable the intelligence center in Indonesia, named GMC. Midbrain is jempatan between left and right brain that is usually only active when we sleep. Upon activation of the midbrain are the children be able to remember more, concentrate, quieter, even with your eyes closed can read only assisted by four other senses besides eyes. After the middle of the brain is active, one is no longer only in the control predominantly by the left brain or right brain only, but the brain simultaneously. Unfortunately, the ability of the midbrain can only be activated in children under 14 years old.So ... What about an adult? Still can not be intelligent?Sure you can. Remember, humans have kuadrilion 0.15 synapses in adult brain white substance. It's just that, open the curtain of intelligence in adulthood is not as easy as a child. In contrast to children who are still growing weight of his brain, adult brain weight tends to decrease due to the aging process.There are 4 tips to keep intelligence in adulthood:

First, borne in their brain. By reading, thinking solutif, play games, write, perform a useful conversation, filling puzzles, and try to memorize things such as phone numbers. Train the brain in this way will keep the density of brain nerve and strengthen it so that the work went well and the brain's nerve cells repair damaged brain.Second, always concentrating. Try to pay attention to the train about five of our senses, to remember the sequence of events or expenses that we do, and practicing yoga or concentration while worshiping. Those things that will train your memory to keep the balance of memory and brain function.Third is the balance of the brain that are known to exercise the brain motion (GLO) or exercise the brain. GLO is a method to train the brain and memory. GLO is the core of stretching, relaxation and stimulation of the nerves of the brain, such as dancing and playing music instrument also mmpu menjada the balance of the brain.Fourth, is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and recreation. Pursue hobbies and taking time for recreation and rest will make the brain relaxed, refreshed and maintain emotional stability that arise. All of the above is how to keep your brain stay sharp and avoid the deterioration of various diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer brain. Easy is not it? Let's keep our brains and get even more work.O people adulthood ...That can be done by an adult to sharpen the focus of intelligence is to train and develop the most preferred and controlled. Thus synapses that have been built since the child can survive, strengthened and expanded to be able to touch other intelligence synapses.For example, if the only skill that is possessed of giving, so give the best fit with existing capabilities. Could be open from giving jobs. For example, people who work at home charity, and charities. They were all very fond of giving. If the only skill that is owned by a smile, the smile was a lot to the people around you were smiling. Be smart in accordance with what is in you.
REFERENCES• R. Aron1, D. Shohamy, J. Clark, C. Myers, M. A. Gluck and R. A. Poldrack. , 2003. Human midbrain Sensitivity to Cognitive Feedback and Uncertainty During Classification Learning. APS, California.• Björn H. Schott1, Daniela B. Sellner1, Corinna-J. Lauer, Reza Habib, Julietta U. Frey, Sebastian Guderian, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Emrah and Düzel. , 2004. Activation of midbrain Structures by Associative Novelty and the Formation of Explicit Memory in Humans. CSH Press, California.• Pakkenberg, B., Pelvig, D., Marner, L., Bundgaard, MJ, Gundersen, HJG, Nyengaard, JR and Regeur, L. Aging and the human neocortex. Exp. Gerontology, 38:95-99, 2003.• Pakkenberg, B. and Gundersen, H.J.G. Neocortical neuron number in Humans: effect of sex and age. J. Comp. Neurology, 384:312-320, 1997.• Dean Mobbs, Jennifer L. Marchant1, Demis Hassabis, Ben Seymour, Geoffrey Tan, Marcus Gray, Predrag Petrovic, Raymond J. Dolan, Christopher D. Frith. , 2009. From Threat to Fear: The Neural Organization of Defensive Fear Systems in Humans. The Journal of Neuro Science. Read More... →Wake Your Sleeping Giant! He was Sleeping Too Long ..
Predicting The Old We ...
Why old age is very close to blood vessel disease, enlarged prostate, senile dementia, osteoporosis, diabetes and even cancer? We can not avoid the thought that we were all waiting for the days of old. But if we are accustomed to the habit of living and good eating habits, so that the disease will still arise, only in a much more mature age than the old.
Our health is our old Day is the result of "installment" of our habits very early age.Our bodies installments of different things at each stage of life. Stage of life referred to is from age to age the age of Infants (0 - 1y), toddler (0-4 years), according to WHO (2004) children aged 0-20 years, according to prof. Dr.Koesmanto Setyonegoro adults 20-60 years old and geriatric age> 60 years.Each has different requirements according to the target level of growth, development and activity."You are what you eat" is the famous phrase coined by Anthelme Brillat-1928. In medicine, this is a magic phrase. What will happen to our bodies from the fetus to the elderly is dependent on what we eat and what we do.Eating is an activity to keep living life the most primitive level. Although no studies whether certain foods can make a person smarter or hold all sorts of diseases, but if the lack of certain substances, there will be imbalance in our body.For example, children aged 0-6 months installments during growth with the help of exclusive breastfeeding. ASI has been available in the dose of energy and micro zat2 baby needs. Infants who did not receive exclusive breastfeeding has a tendency to get sick more than the reverse (). Later in infancy, the new WHO in the year 1988 found that zinc deficiency (iron), and vitamin A toddler age can affect the development of intelligence.In those days the children, if the experience of school age who are too strict calorie restriction means that the child is being installments to be "one of malnutrition", marashmus kwashiorkor (protein deficiency massif over the years), can be less than the height of his friends, even can experience a behind the development of intelligence. (Why I always emphasize the wit yah? Maybe because I desperately need my intelligence in the timeframe he .. he ..)Adulthood, all types of growth have been enough. All it takes our body is immune against poison, disease, and stress. If when the children are the most decisive as adults, then as an adult is the parent of the most decisive moments. Therefore, there is no other choice but to keep good habits.A good habit is that how?Selection of what you eat, Drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and be a good person. All doctors will tell you this, and will keep saying this forever.Along with his old running our environment, there has been some shift in the impact on global health. For example, in terms of climate and weather. As I recall, until 2005, during the dry season in Indonesia is always falling on the moon xxx and always rainy season falls in the month of xxx. Now the hot rain falling the sky at will. First there was no incidence of heat stroke or windy in the northern States.Incident in 2010 in the State where the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius Germany there are as many people die from the heat xxx. The issue of global warming in the popularized in the film "An inconvinient truth" which is the campaign of Mr. Algore is a fact that is shifting the level of human health throughout the world.That's just in terms of climate. In Indonesia, special in the big cities, private vehicle ownership is a general "successful life". In fact, private vehicles have a direct impact to the health as well. Used to berkilo kilo-meter walk, now sits just 15 minutes up. First walk was pleasant, clean air pollution still remains minimal. Now walking is excruciating because of the heat and smoke everywhere. It used to eat rice and fish enough for healthy living. Now, eating rice and fish instead sparked the metabolic syndrome and hypertension.All have shifted ... so it helps us also to shift ...A. Selection what you eatAlong with the shift in global health, do not be surprised if there was a shift in human healthy diet. I have repeatedly warned the previous diartikel-article, eat according to your calorie needs.Because of our staple food is rice, then I want to discuss specifically about carbohydrates.Carbohydrates are the energy which if allowed to accumulate in the blood can cause our bodies to become acidic levels. In addition, if eaten together with animal protein and fat in large numbers, then our body will fatigue in the digest.Effects that we feel is sleepy. Another effect is sluggish. Therefore, eat carbohydrates with vegetables and animal protein as little as possible. Because vegetables can neutralize the acidity that occurs. Also, eat protein and fat in large quantities with the accompanying vegetables, carbohydrates and as little as possible. Once again, avoid carbohydrates mixed up with protein and fat.
Did you know that digest food requires more energy than the run ()? If the cells are too tired to digest and in acidic conditions, then these cells have a tendency to mutate. Such mutations can be controlled by the phagocytic cells of the "good".What if the cells are mutated and there is nothing left to divide? It creates a tumor and cancer culprit. If the cancer did not occur, there will be less severe symptoms such as: the body is not fresh, wrinkled skin, and get sick.
Medical science has introduced the theory of calorie restriction, which reads: the less a person eats, the longer the age (Harrison, 2005). Calorie restriction (calorie intake restriction) is inhibiting the aging process. Research supporting the above sentence has been carried out by Mattson, Mark P. (2005) in his scientific work, entitled "ENERGY intake, MEAL FREQUENCY, AND HEALTH: A Neurobiological Perspective * (Annual Review of Nutrition 25: 237-60). For scientific reasons above, fasting is actually healthy. Allah commands Muslims to fast on a month once a year each. Could be, its purpose is to detoxify. However, I have never found that describes this research. Hehehe.2. Drink plenty of water
We are 70% water. Therefore, give as much water. Water is "penggelontor" magic that can cure strep throat without drugs, prevent kidney stones, prevent vascular disease, and beautify the skin. As long as water is still available in Indonesia, let's treat our bodies with lots of mineral water. Because drinking water is now worth 12 thousand / gallon USD in Yogyakarta, it is drink at least 2 bottles of mineral water 1.5 liter / day before the price became more expensive.
3. Regular exerciseExercise can make the body healthy. So exercise can do what? Many ... Sports is stimulating the secretion of HDL (good fats) and cholesterol-lowering most of the most good. That means he will drive away small plaques in the arteries of the heart and entire body. Thus, no coronary heart disease / stroke / deep vein thrombosis in our lives. The heart and aerobic exercise may be an option ... a job that makes sweating and struggling for at least 30 minutes with excellent intense movement to indulge every cell in our body cells with oxygen supply stout. All of that is the result of a complex cooperation between skeletal muscle, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and the hormone endorphin that produced at rest.4. Being a good personSaid Mr. Mario firm, good-hearted people who would be a good person. A good personal arise from good thinking, said a good word, good acting, and feeling good. By being a good person we give birth to beauty in our life's journey. What else do we find but we always celebrate life day by day, and death that we are proud of. Live to Cherish, die to proud with (The Mask Of Zorro, 1998). Read More... →Predicting The Old We .
5 Benefits Rise and Shine

Victory in the race sometimes is not determined by who is the fastest, but who is to start early. Wake up early means giving you the chance to move first. Meaning you can use this opportunity to become more productive or more energetic than others.Wake up it means:A. Opportunity to plan the day. Amid the silence of a cold morning, you can plan any target that day. Many people are getting out of bed and go straight shower activity. Their activity as an automatic routine. With rising early, we had a chance to reflect on life and short term plans. Quite ten minutes after waking up, start your life with a positive thought. Wirawan
using the words: "I was lucky I woke up this morning in good health. I
will not squander this gift. Today I am definitely more productive than
yesterday and I will learn many things ..." Be careful with the first
thought in the morning ... It could be an impression of your heart for 24 hours. Please be proven.2. Opportunity to prepare a healthier life. Having
positive thoughts, greeted the first activity by drinking one glass
(500 ml) water, warm-up and stretching, wearing sneakers, then go out
jogging. In
the study ahun 1994 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, 75 male
non-smokers do 4 x 30 min / mggu inensitas jogging with 75% VO2max or 6 x
30 min / mggu running with intensity 50% VO2max for 6 months decreased
the fat content significant skin and peningkaan levels of HDL (good fats) (Sutter et al, 1994). Sports gave him a lot of energy before starting the activity. Not good if you come to work with a face drawn and haggard from sleep. Another
advantage compared to morning sports is sports afternoon: morning
exercise was rarely canceled due to our first activity. While the afternoon sports often have to cancel because there is often a sudden unplanned activities.

3. A precious moment to sink in a personal activity. After exercise you can launch the tasks that should be done this afternoon. In the silence, it is convenient for pushing start of the work of the most difficult and most severe. No need to work under pressure, work pretty relaxed while listening to music alone. It gives a boost in productivity. Why? Because at 08.00 when your friends are just starting, you have completed 30% (sometimes even 50%) work for the day. You are more productive because you are not faster, but as you start early.4. Keep us from the pressure. You ever imagined waking up 10 minutes before entering college / office? Certainly very annoying. With up early you can spend a leisurely morning. How about trying to take a bath before sunrise? While
enjoying the warm water splash in the cool dawn air you can look for
inspiration, something that is almost impossible to do if you bathe like
hell. Half an hour before work, you can eat breakfast, whether it pecel rice, chicken porridge, rice team, or even a sandwich. According
to the team doker Walden University, U.S., breakfast is one of the most
important diet every day because it provides enough energy in the
morning in order to berkonsenrasi. For those who want to lose weight will be more successful if they eat breakfast because it will prevent mid-morning snack.5. Into "early bird" also means an opportunity to build long-term benefits. If you usually get to the office / campus earlier than your friends, you can wait. What are you doing? Read. In the morning while waiting for hours of work / college, you can read a chapter. In the afternoon, you read one more chapter. In one month, you can finish 5 books. With up early we can utilize the free time to just 15 minutes that we have accumulated into something productive. This may seem very simple, but long-term benefits will be seen.Actually, how many hours of good sleep seharikah it? This is still being debated. When I was an international seminar Antony Robbins (2009), he said that good sleep is 5 hours a day. While
the Occupational health and safety training that I attended last month,
one of the sports physicians say that good sleep is 8 hours. I
see a lot of innuendo about the royals (Tangi bangsane cloud), for
example, which reads: if you spend 10 hours of sleep a day, then you
spend 3360 hours to sleep in a year. That means in a year you use the 4.6 months for sleep. If you max age 60 years, it means you spend the next 23 years to sleep.I think personally, I prefer to sleep for 8 hours a day. We need a body that is fit for work. For the fresh graduate whose parents are not rich, they generally work 8 hours a day, 6 days / week. Think of working hours was started from 8 am to 3 pm. After
work we still live our personal lives as human beings who need food,
ransport, baths, entertainment, socializing, and switch roles. Who had become director of the office, at home a wife to her husband and mother to anak2. We only have 6 hours to finish everything at once. After that, eight hours of sleep that is used to look forward. After 8 hours of sleep, we only had 2 hours to prepare the next day we morn. Unconsciously, intentionally or not, we are being very busy.Possible for a young, fleeting life is like a routine for the purpose of getting rich. Do not forget, that we are entitled to enjoy the life we are living. Enjoy this very narrow time possible, if we are careful enough. God gave us five senses to experience its beauty. Indigo
sky, the smell of wet while opening a window, bird house or yard jump,
dew dripping from the leaves, the face of family / friends who are still
asleep, all that is the beauty that passes as the sun was high. Morning always comes to you with joy. What about you?
REFERENCESAeschbach et al.2003.A Longer Biological Night in Long Sleepers Than in Short Sleepers. JCEM: Canada. http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/88/1/26.fullMNT. , 2003. Skipping breakfast very bad for health. Walden University: U.S. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/4004.phpSutter e al. Of 1994. Jogging or Walking - Comparrison of health effects. University of Zurich: Switzerland. Read More... →

Who want to trim his hands up high high! \ (^ 0 ^) / every woman love a smaller number than the number in the passbook. We
now learn how to quickly streamline the body without side effects, no
chemical drugs, and without hunger within the shortest short. Aja already rich ads. I seriously * _ * Before that, we need to know how the human ideal body weight.Ideal adult body weight was calculated with The Body Index (BMI) is more valid is used in Indonesia. The formula, weight in units of kilograms (kg) divided by height in inches squared. Writing the following:BMI = (weight (kg): (height (cm)) ²)With the scale is said to Normal: 18-23, Fat:> 23, Slim: <18, obesity:> 25, Malnutrition: <16. Easy right? Once we know the ideal weight, we must know first why have the ideal body weight is better than a fat or skinny.FatI do not mean to offend the friends of his BMI> 23 ... Often we hear that no fat is an important health problem. Wait
a minute ... Overweight or obesity can affect many aspects of a
person's life from the health, quality of life, social, appearance,
self-confidence up. Ever heard of that being overweight have a higher risk to suffer from:A. Heart disease2. Stroke3. Type 2 diabetes4. hypertension5. gallstone6. ulcer7. eclampsia in pregnancy8. cataract9. macro baby in pregnancy10. fatty liver11. atherosclerosis12. micro penis13. aging trend intra organ14. high cholesterol15. metabolic syndrome16. dizziness17. quickly exhausted18. slow motion19. Motorcycle tires are often broken20. not fit into the car21. difficult to find clothes22. Difficult to clean themselves23. Limitations in the style variations of sex24. Urinary tract infections because it is difficult to clean themselves25. Stigma Department of Human Resourcess during a job interview happened to my friend26. Osteoarthritis (knee pain) happened to my grandmotherThese
are all clear risk factors that often I find on many of my guests (the
other way I call the patient. If you call the hospital means patients)
as well as family and my friends. Right
as I was eager to expound on the twenty-five of the above risks, but
this article is more focused with how to get the ideal body weight.Thin

People who are too thin often have more in terms of social issues. Bony describe the impression of social status, appearance, and disease. I think it need not be discussed here we have all understood it.Benefits of ideal body weightGod created human beings as creatures who are free to choose. If there is the best choice, why it is reasonable to choose the other? With ideal body weight then the workload is lighter on system organ. Waivers would be reflected in a person's fitness. The more fit the more productive. The more productive the better the quality of life. Quality of life for the better the chances will be even greater longevity. With so many advantages, people have more choices so dihidupnya. Not whether such freedom is the dream of every human being?Tips for getting your ideal weight:A. Eat regularly according to the daily calorie needsDaily caloric needs diartikel I've discussed previously. Please read again. If no message to be plus Psychology (promotion hehe).2. Eat before hungry, stop eating before satiety3. Eat in a comfortable amount of stomachThis relationship with satiety. Satiety is governed by two things: blood sugar levels, hormone leptin, and the volume of the stomach. With a comfortable amount of stomach, the stomach does not diforsir for stretchy. That's how easy it is theory. When the size of the stomach is too big it will take much charge to make the stomach full and give us a sense of satiety.4. Never mix carbs with protein and fatThis is my favorite. Ever hear or read about food combining? This is an excellent way of eating and diet program effective for me. If you mix it as much as many vegetables meat fish chicken rice milk is a major fruit so slow digestion. Digestion should be complete within 4 hours so it took 8 hours or more. Mix
all the food habits like this will probably satisfy hunger but about 4
hours of going hungry because the absorption of nutrients is not as good
as finished in 4 hours. We recommend that if you want to eat the rice with vegetables only. Or, if you want to eat beef, chicken, fish it with vegetables only. DO NOT EAT IN THE RICE. Completed no later finished digesting it.5. Drink water at least 2 liters / day70% of our body consists of water. Therefore, give as much water. Water serves as neutralizing poisons the best and easiest. Any disease caused by virus diseases can be defeated by drinking mineral water, as much as many of his. Of the deadly dengue fever can only be defeated by administering intravenous fluids and in essence, is WATER. In addition, water serves as a natural flushing of the body in the detoxification process. If your weight starts to fall, marked by pee more often. This is one sign of fat from too much fat content of the water began to shrink.6. If you want to eat fruit, try 15 minutes before a heavy meal.Did you know that the fruit is digested in the stomach 15 minutes? If more than that then the stomach will release a lot of gas. So, who taught the ancient habit of the fruit as a dessert turned out to be wrong. A good, if you want to eat the fruit, then eat the fruit alone. Wait 15 minutes first, then eat the other.7. Stop drinking sugary drinksDrinking ice that makes fat myth. The meaning of this fat makes the point that given a lot of ice water content and because sugar rim. If only water and ice cubes, this does absolutely no calories, so it does not make fat. Instead, the water ice is favored by tubuhkita, because we are made up of 70% water ...8. Regular defecationBe
happy for those of you who are used regularly every day CHAPTER CHAPTER
... because obviously you lose weight and make the body free of toxins
every day.9. Regular exerciseWith exercise, we train the heart and blood vessels become more powerful and more flexible. In addition, exercise triggers membentukan HDL (high density lipids) or the so called good cholesterol. Binding function of HDL cholesterol is bad.10. Hold on 9 good habits above for 7 daysWith the simple program above, then the body will adjust itself calorie needs and blood sugar in our body. Fat would be ideal, and the thin will also be ideal. I lost 1 kg / day ... once my weight is now 53kg 62kg. There are other tips ... if hungry, papers. Not allowed to starve on a diet now. When the hunger is too long, so eat 2X can be discharged from the normal portions. Surely it's not going to benefit us? If there are any further questions, please call me ya ;-) good luck! Read More... →
Fight Stress with Exercise
Homosapien have the same challenges when things go according to plan in the next life: STRESS. One way to control stress in your life is through physical activity-SPORTS. Endorphin
hormones that make you feel at ease can be produced with an active body
movements that also serves to divert attention away from daily
Almost all forms of exercise, from aerobics to weight lifting, can act as a stress reliever. Find the relationship between exercise and relieve stress - and why exercise should be part of your stress management plan.
Exercise then the stress will subside
Exercise triggers the production of endorphin hormone which makes the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain to be quiet. This hormone is also produced when you laugh. Therefore,
exercise can improve your overall health as well as provide a sense of
peace, which makes you better spirit in every step of your day-to-day. In addition, exercise stress can be the most instant consolation.
Exercise is meditation in motion. After
a fast-paced games such as tennis or swimming fast, you will often find
that you've forgotten a bad day and just concentrated on the movement
of your body. When
you begin to regularly release your daily stress through movement and
physical activity, you might find that this is a new focus on one task. Thus, the resulting energy and optimism can help you remain calm and clear in everything you do.
The above can enhance your mood. Regular exercise can improve confidence and reduce the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often compromised by stress, depression and anxiety. All this can ease your stress levels and give you a sense of "present" in every detail of your life.
Let the sports work to eliminate your stress
Build your fitness level gradually. Despite being very spirit because there is a new activity, not to exercise too much let alone to injury. Plus, if you start your program slowly, likely to be disciplined to be larger. If you are just starting to exercise, start is recommended for 20 to 30 minutes of exercise 3-4 days a week. After that, may be increased gradually. Department
recommends getting at least two hours and 30 minutes per week moderate
aerobic activity (brisk walking or swimming) or one hour and 15 minutes
of aerobic activity per week strong (running) - should be a routine
every week in every month in a year. It also recommends strength training exercises at least twice a week.
Do what you love, and love what you do. Do not exercise if you do not like marathon running. Almost all forms of exercise or movement can improve your fitness level and reduce your stress. What is important is choosing activities you enjoy.
example if you are walking, stair climbing, jogging, biking, yoga, tai
chi, gardening, lifting weights and swimming, may be one activity can
take your time early in the morning and evening. But because you like it, then it would not be a problem. What is important is that you like it! Berdisiplinlah schedule. I have tips to survive with a new routine or revive tired workout:A. Set
some goals: If your main goal is to reduce stress in your life and to
recharge your batteries, your specific goals include a commitment to
walk during your lunch hour three times a week, or if you are required
to meet all your shopping needs on the market. Exercise two or more to facilitate the commitment and motivation.2. Change
your routine: If you had to choose competitive sports (such as running,
basketball, etc.) then change your options with a less competitive
sports such as yoga are more baikhati and soft.
Whatever you do, do not make the sport as satulagi your load. Find an activity that you enjoy whether it's a game of tennis or just a routine morning walk into the list of fun. All forms of physical activity can help you relax and become an important part of your approach to reducing stress.

Thus the description theory. Now, let's talk research. According
to De Moor, et al (2006) dipenelitiannya entitled "Regular exercise,
anxiety, depression and personality: A population-based study" concluded
that the studies were combined and extended from the earlier findings
found that regular exercise is associated with cross-sectional neurotic
symptoms ,
anxiety, and depression and the tendency of lower personal development
to be extroverts who tend to look for specific communities.
his second dipenelitian by De Moor and colleagues 6 in 2008, entitled
"Testing Causality in the Association Between Regular Exercise and
Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression" lists that regular exercise is
associated with decreased anxiety and depression in a large population,
but do not because of the causal effects of exercise.
If from personal experience, if observed, my friends tend to be more male than female easey going. So
it is with friends who used to join a health club or martial sports
such as tennis or swimming rarely showed his distress even of those
stories of his life is very heavy pressure. Life seemed wonderful.
Sports here may seem you need a specific time later in life. Actually
not really, because for a housewife or housekeeper who diligently
mopping, sweeping, mowing lawns, washing clothes, beresin warehouse,
mengosek bathroom, beresin room that involves activities that make sweat
that can also be calculated exercise. If angry, then you will be excess energy. It
would be very useful when using the negative energy that is overflowing
with positive activities, such as with exercise or clean house, if you
are still angry, too, a neighbor's house all cleaned up.
Want to feel good? Let's exercise!
REFERENCESDe Moor, Beem, Stubbe, Boomsma, de Geus (2006). Regular exercise, anxiety, depression and personality: A population-based study. Vrije Universiteit: Netherland.De Moor, Boomsma, Stubbe, Willemsen, de Geus (2008). Testing Causality in the Association Between Regular Exercise and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression. Vrije Universiteit: Netherland.Mayo Clinic Crew. , 2008. Combat Stress by Exercise. Mayo Clinic: Virginia.Waringing (2009). Giant Steps. TDW: Jakarta. Read More... →