Who want to trim his hands up high high! \ (^ 0 ^) / every woman love a smaller number than the number in the passbook. We now learn how to quickly streamline the body without side effects, no chemical drugs, and without hunger within the shortest short. Aja already rich ads. I seriously * _ * Before that, we need to know how the human ideal body weight.Ideal adult body weight was calculated with The Body Index (BMI) is more valid is used in Indonesia. The formula, weight in units of kilograms (kg) divided by height in inches squared. Writing the following:BMI = (weight (kg): (height (cm)) ²)With the scale is said to Normal: 18-23, Fat:> 23, Slim: <18, obesity:> 25, Malnutrition: <16. Easy right? Once we know the ideal weight, we must know first why have the ideal body weight is better than a fat or skinny.FatI do not mean to offend the friends of his BMI> 23 ... Often we hear that no fat is an important health problem. Wait a minute ... Overweight or obesity can affect many aspects of a person's life from the health, quality of life, social, appearance, self-confidence up. Ever heard of that being overweight have a higher risk to suffer from:A. Heart disease2. Stroke3. Type 2 diabetes4. hypertension5. gallstone6. ulcer7. eclampsia in pregnancy8. cataract9. macro baby in pregnancy10. fatty liver11. atherosclerosis12. micro penis13. aging trend intra organ14. high cholesterol15. metabolic syndrome16. dizziness17. quickly exhausted18. slow motion19. Motorcycle tires are often broken20. not fit into the car21. difficult to find clothes22. Difficult to clean themselves23. Limitations in the style variations of sex24. Urinary tract infections because it is difficult to clean themselves25. Stigma Department of Human Resourcess during a job interview happened to my friend26. Osteoarthritis (knee pain) happened to my grandmotherThese are all clear risk factors that often I find on many of my guests (the other way I call the patient. If you call the hospital means patients) as well as family and my friends. Right as I was eager to expound on the twenty-five of the above risks, but this article is more focused with how to get the ideal body weight.Thin
People who are too thin often have more in terms of social issues. Bony describe the impression of social status, appearance, and disease. I think it need not be discussed here we have all understood it.Benefits of ideal body weightGod created human beings as creatures who are free to choose. If there is the best choice, why it is reasonable to choose the other? With ideal body weight then the workload is lighter on system organ. Waivers would be reflected in a person's fitness. The more fit the more productive. The more productive the better the quality of life. Quality of life for the better the chances will be even greater longevity. With so many advantages, people have more choices so dihidupnya. Not whether such freedom is the dream of every human being?Tips for getting your ideal weight:A. Eat regularly according to the daily calorie needsDaily caloric needs diartikel I've discussed previously. Please read again. If no message to be plus Psychology (promotion hehe).2. Eat before hungry, stop eating before satiety3. Eat in a comfortable amount of stomachThis relationship with satiety. Satiety is governed by two things: blood sugar levels, hormone leptin, and the volume of the stomach. With a comfortable amount of stomach, the stomach does not diforsir for stretchy. That's how easy it is theory. When the size of the stomach is too big it will take much charge to make the stomach full and give us a sense of satiety.4. Never mix carbs with protein and fatThis is my favorite. Ever hear or read about food combining? This is an excellent way of eating and diet program effective for me. If you mix it as much as many vegetables meat fish chicken rice milk is a major fruit so slow digestion. Digestion should be complete within 4 hours so it took 8 hours or more. Mix all the food habits like this will probably satisfy hunger but about 4 hours of going hungry because the absorption of nutrients is not as good as finished in 4 hours. We recommend that if you want to eat the rice with vegetables only. Or, if you want to eat beef, chicken, fish it with vegetables only. DO NOT EAT IN THE RICE. Completed no later finished digesting it.5. Drink water at least 2 liters / day70% of our body consists of water. Therefore, give as much water. Water serves as neutralizing poisons the best and easiest. Any disease caused by virus diseases can be defeated by drinking mineral water, as much as many of his. Of the deadly dengue fever can only be defeated by administering intravenous fluids and in essence, is WATER. In addition, water serves as a natural flushing of the body in the detoxification process. If your weight starts to fall, marked by pee more often. This is one sign of fat from too much fat content of the water began to shrink.6. If you want to eat fruit, try 15 minutes before a heavy meal.Did you know that the fruit is digested in the stomach 15 minutes? If more than that then the stomach will release a lot of gas. So, who taught the ancient habit of the fruit as a dessert turned out to be wrong. A good, if you want to eat the fruit, then eat the fruit alone. Wait 15 minutes first, then eat the other.7. Stop drinking sugary drinksDrinking ice that makes fat myth. The meaning of this fat makes the point that given a lot of ice water content and because sugar rim. If only water and ice cubes, this does absolutely no calories, so it does not make fat. Instead, the water ice is favored by tubuhkita, because we are made up of 70% water ...8. Regular defecationBe happy for those of you who are used regularly every day CHAPTER CHAPTER ... because obviously you lose weight and make the body free of toxins every day.9. Regular exerciseWith exercise, we train the heart and blood vessels become more powerful and more flexible. In addition, exercise triggers membentukan HDL (high density lipids) or the so called good cholesterol. Binding function of HDL cholesterol is bad.10. Hold on 9 good habits above for 7 daysWith the simple program above, then the body will adjust itself calorie needs and blood sugar in our body. Fat would be ideal, and the thin will also be ideal. I lost 1 kg / day ... once my weight is now 53kg 62kg. There are other tips ... if hungry, papers. Not allowed to starve on a diet now. When the hunger is too long, so eat 2X can be discharged from the normal portions. Surely it's not going to benefit us? If there are any further questions, please call me ya ;-) good luck!
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