I had no shoes. That's what I kept complaining about all the four months koas stase stase obsgin and children. Two of my shoe department is not functional. The one mangap, another tear. Kept by force kegawat daruratan hour guard, then sunny in the morning I came into the hospital wearing pink sneakers. Although children koas stase pink sneakers shoes that keep the ward is considered unnatural, I am grateful no one questioned my sneakers. It's just my name instantly blossom with a new nickname "the sneakers."4 months later, I welcome the holidays with a great clean clean boarding room. I was stunned. Inside the cabinet, there are 7 shoes in a shoe box 7 is 7 months at least I never open. Not only that, I also found dozens of shirts, pants stacks, etc.. It is ironic that all this time I feel short of clothes and shoes while unknowingly storing this much clothes and shoes. Instead of using what I got with my best, I even bought it again and again, and stacked them again until I forget and buy again. Apparently, I like people with diebetes.
Let's refresh a little bit about Diabetes. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood sugar. In summary, Diabetes can be caused by too little insulin, or because of resistance to insulin receptors, or as both (Guyton, 2004). What is insulin? Insulin is a hormone in the pancreas to include the production of blood sugar into cells.To understand diabetes, it is important to understand the normal process of food metabolism in the body. Two of the following occur after food is digested:A. Sugar into the blood vessel into blood sugar.2. The pancreas produces insulin to move blood sugar into muscle cells, the layer of fat, liver, so that could be used as fuel for all activities that take place in our bodies.People with diabetes have high blood sugar levels because the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin, or muscle, blubber and liver cells they do not respond to insulin normally, or to both. Thus, blood sugar can not enter the cell and stack it in the bloodstream.This situation is similar to the buildup of shoes and my clothes right? Less insulin like properties "do not care, so forget" to things I've bought. Sugars that accumulate like shoes and my clothes that I wear but still not good. Not only that, there are other similarities.People with diabetes will show a few specific symptoms. For those of you who never check your blood sugar levels, if all the items below applies to you then you should begin to be vigilant:A. Age> 45 yr.2. Increased thirst and hunger, eat more often with more servings, but the weight down.3. Headache, blurred vision, and fatigue.4. Are difficult to heal wounds, frequent itching of the skin, often develop urinary tract infections, frequent urination.5. Erectile dysfunction.Increased food portions caused by the cells of organs that do not receive a supply of sugar to send hunger signals to the brain. Meanwhile, increased thirst caused by dehydration. Was triggered by dehydration due to excess sugar osmolal disturbances in blood flow. Long story short, the blood sugar very much to an increase in blood volume and blood vessels, so it was packed. To avoid blood pressure soaring, the kidneys reduce water levels in the blood to throw it through the urinary tract.Hunger and thirst constant is exactly like me are constantly buying new shoes and clothes. Not just similar but identical. Continue to buy, continue to accumulate, keep forgetting, continue to feel do not have, and continue to buy more. So on.Is Diabetes is a disease that can not be cured? The answer, depending on the type of diabetes that affects. The following are the various types of Diabetes:There are four kinds of known diabetes include:A. Type 1 diabetes: current diagnosis is usually in childhood. The body produces little or no insulin, requiring insulin injections every day for life to survive.2. Type 2 diabetes: more common than type 1 and is almost of all cases of diabetes in adulthood. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin to keep sugar levels normal, often because the body does not respond to insulin. Many people with type 2 diebetes not realize though is in a state of emergency. Increased risk of type 2 diabetes in obese and lazy to exercise.3. Gestational diabetes: increased blood glucose levels during pregnancy in women but not both type 1 diabetes or type 2. After delivery of blood sugar will return to normal by itself.4. Diabetes insipidus: Is a condition when the kidneys are not able to retain water for the absorption of blood back to the time filter is dirty. Maintaining the water is regulated by antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which is also called vasopressin. Not due to insulin deficiency.Diabetes is very closely related to insulin is diabetes type 1 and type 2; be because the body is unable to respond to insulin, or because the pancreas does not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone in the production of the pancreas to move blood sugar into cells. Once the blood sugar into cells, it is converted into energy for daily activities.On type I diabetes, there was a genetic disorder that causes the pancreas produces no insulin. His handling of the intra cutaneous insulin injection (in the skin layer) of individual doses.Whereas in type II diabetes, the pancreas produces little insulin only (eg pancreatitis) or unable to respond to insulin (eg obesity, HDL <35mg/dL, and the elderly). Therefore, in addition to the handling of type II diabetes was accompanied by a drug, it is more likely to be treated with: lose weight, lower carbohydrate and sugar intake, increase fruits and vegetables and regular exercise to increase HDL levels. We recommend that patients with type II diabetes are obese (overweight by weight) lose weight by eating foods with reduced calories. Reduction in calories is needed 15-20% of the calories / day according to the formula Bennedict Harris. That can be calculated by the following formula:BMR / day = (66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)) x activityBMR = Body Metabolism Rate (kcal)Activity according to the formula Harris Bennedict:A. Activity had little or no exercise = BMR / day x 1.22. Light activity with exercise 1-3 days / week = BMR / day x 13753. High activity with sport 3-5hari/minggu = BMR / day x 1:554. Many activities with vigorous exercise 6-7hari/minggu = BMR / day x 17255. Activity is very heavy with very heavy exercise = BMR / day x 1.9For example, one male office workers age 40 with limited exercise 102kg weight and 170cm high caloric needs (66 + (1397.4) + (850) - (272)) x 1375 = 2806.925 kcal / day. So he had to reduce 561kilo calories / day (no dinner, no snacking, and drinking sweet) to achieve ideal body weight.Thus the above, then the diabetes is inspiring me about diet and wasteful. Waste (Extravagant) in the Oxford English Dictionary (2001) means action or claim exceed reasonable limits. In Public Health Sciences, waste is classified as inefficient actions. Efficient is often associated with effectiveness. An effective action is not necessarily efficient. But action is not effective, it is definitely not efficient. That means that no effective action is mere vanity. Such as excessive blood glucose levels, but the body is unable to use it.Wastage not only involve money, but also labor and time. In the Qur'an Sura Asr (meaning: for the period) taught five cases before the five cases, namely: healthy before the sick, the rich before the poor, young before old, narrow the field before, and life before death. Then it would be wonderful if we use good health, wealth, time, opportunity and life we have now before it's all gone. If the pursuit of purpose in life is to be happy, then it would be wonderful if we are not happy alone. The futility of going away by itself, when we used to share our happiness with the people around us who are less happy.Since childhood, unconsciously Indonesian children are taught to avoid the simple vanity. For example, with the slogan "good base industrious, frugal rich base" in the book Civics, or with children's songs "bung bing bang" by Point Puspa (± 1987), the song "Ilir-Ilir" masterpiece of Sunan Kalijaga (± 1470), also the song "By the Time" by Raihan (2001). For the sake of living a more effective and efficient, I'll stop buying things that I do not use, and began distributing my goods are excessive in people who are more needy. In this way, the circle of the futility of diabetes have ended my life.
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