When was the last time you feel pain? Pain comes from the word "Pain" which means "uncomfortable sensation". Uncomfortable sensation can come to psychologically and physiologically. The pain arising from excessive stimulation involving the sensory nerves (the receiver) and relayed to the brain to interpret as the "Ouch!" Or "Oh No". After a brain agree that pain is "Oh No!", Then popping stress hormones (cont: cortisol) to fight the "pain" is, also followed the emergence of inflammatory substances such as serotonin, histamine, bradykinin, etc..Pain is one of the human defense mechanism. With the help of stress hormones, the brain to record the experience of pain. The more it hurt, then the brain more easily lift the memory of it. Of pain, so humans know how to defend yourself. After knowing the cause of the pain, then people can decide what to do to end and avoid it. Unconsciously, the castle formed the first anti-pain: fear.Fear is the first alarm is screaming with pain noisy when the threat comes. Many major decisions are made after taking into account the fear. However, the extent to which we need to listen to that fear? Enormous fear of making her ex-boyfriend not being expressed his feelings, and he could only regret until his death. I fear making my works dormant for years until finally published as well. There are many things that if it is not hindered by fear, we can do. However, we never do it because of one word. Afraid.Fear and pain are closely related. Its something like this chart: stress pain learn from the experience of fear. On the other hand, is very interesting, because fear is a psychological stimulus that also increases the excretion of stress hormones such as cortisol (the cause of increased blood sugar levels). Not only that, fear can also trigger serotonin expenditure (neotransmiter cause of your anger), histamine (stimulating an increase in gastric acid), adrenaline (causes the heart to beat faster) and more are all that then becomes a vicious circle.This is the main reason why the sense of fear and pain can interfere with bodily sensations. If sustained below the conscious will cause much damage. Excessive increase in blood sugar levels are not good for diabetics. Increased adrenalin dangerous for heart patients. Uncontrolled increase in serotonin causes excessive emotional expression and affect the work otot2 face, neck, back and abdomen, which was offset by an increase in pacemakers to compensate the amount of energy released when angry. Then, an increase of histamine causes stomach feels sore, shortness of breath becomes, and the uncomfortable sensation in the stomach. These are all merged into a sensation of chest pain that we often refer to as "pain". The pain makes us worry that requires us to come to the doctor for treatment. Drugs given by doctors will be aligned with the symptoms. If gastritis, then given a h2 blocker, if given muscle aches relaxan, if panic disorder is diagnosed has given anxiolitic.Fear and pain probably due to organic disorders can be eased with medication. However, what if it turns out the pain coming from the stage of disease takterobati or psychosocial stressors originate from? That would make the pain settled. After that, the pain will connect the chain to the fear of suffering the circle. Fear, pain, fear, pain, and so on.However, our body is a miraculous machine. We have a lot of weapons that often escape from consciousness. For example, the hormone cortisol. This is actually a steroid hormone that functions as an agent of natural "fight or flight". For example, you're faced with a giant black German shepherd growled furiously angry berancang pounce on you. When these hormones control impuls2 reflex in your spine, it also gives you the power to so with the magic otot2 you can run and climb the nearest tree with a speed athlete.Adrenaline is triggered by fear that controlled by a very strong purpose (to save lives, for example) will work with the cortisol to regulate blood flow to be able mensuply sufficient nutrients to the muscles through the cardiovascular system. Body provides clues dumb weakness that behind us, there are strengths to offset weaknesses.
Pain management is basically simple. Pain is the electrical impulses that the brain needs confirmation. If the brain interprets it as pain, a new body to feel pain. Therefore, there are two strategies of pain relief: 1. Avoid exposure to second. Blocking its pathway. Its first goal: that the brain could not interpret as pain.Avoiding exposure is the most common do. For example, avoid talking to someone who is annoying or not coming exams sometimes preferred over the failure to face the exam. We are so afraid to face the pain will be disappointed. As taught to our body, every weakness is always followed with the power to compensate for these weaknesses. Fear and pain is like an energy. Fear and pain like hormones in the body that has been there from the beginning. He can not destroy, and can not be created. Only be controlled, and converted.The second way to overcome the pain is cut off circuit. Pain management is divided into several sections, depending on how severe and where it came from the pain. Pain is the body divided into two: nosiseptik pain (pain akibatkerusakan tissue) and neurogenic pain (pain caused by disorders of the central nervous system). Nosiseptik pain involves inflammatory substances such as bradykinin, histamine, cytokines, prostaglandins, etc. produced by the cells of "handyman". These substances stimulate the brain to interpret pain. Therefore, this type of pain can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs can not be used for neurogenic pain. Neither the contrary, nosiseptik pain can not be handled by obat2 antinyeri central nervous because of the pain is different.Pain can be blocked in accordance with the nerve circuits. Less is more painful journey this simple circuit: peripheral nerve stimulation spinal cord (spinal nerves) brain. Your doctor will determine where the circuit of pain should be disconnected. Anti-pain medicines available to the indications and contraindications and side effects. If mild pain, then no need to provide a direct blocking drugs in the brain, because it has a harmful efeksamping. Just like if recalcitrant toddlers, so parents do not have to hit him.The brain is the decision makers of all activities within each cell in our body organs. The brain is also responsible for all experience the pain we feel. Because the brain is ours, it is our decision whether we will be uprooted by the pain, or decide to compromise for the sake of something more important. 80% controlled by the psychological health of human beings they are. Any treatment will not help if the brain does not believe in order for those drugs, so drugs can not work properly. When the brain affected by stress caused by pain and fear, it will aggravate the body's systems with the commands. Conversely, if the brain in a relaxed state (such as when laughing), then it will not trigger the release of hormones and substances that could interfere with the work of each cell. Healthy cells to form organs and a healthy body shape organ2 body healthy and strong.Sometimes there is no longer a place to get rid of the pain. Sometimes the pain already present, and he will not go in a very very long time. There is no other way for human beings, except try to make peace with their weaknesses, get along with their pain, fear and make peace with them. The pain will never go away, but he could be transferred. Give yourself a chance to understand what really happened, and begin to realize things that may have long to ignore.
Pain and fear are present to remind us, that we are social beings who can not live alone. He comes to bring together people who do not know each other to stick together to help and love one another. By facing a challenge together to overcome difficult times more easily than their own. When fear has been in our control, the pain will not be present because we can take the best life decisions.God gives pain and fear in people so that we can learn from it. He also gives our bodies as an example of obstinacy in the face of pain and fear. He has perfected the human body to take us to do extraordinary things in our lives. Pain and fear is not something bad. That is all that is explained on humans. Let's thank the pain and fear that has made us better human beings.
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