Be a slacker right field, and be a proper discipline in the field as well. This knowledge I learned this month. A lazy will not get any. The words I hear, and to be honest, I agree. Because, people who held the world number one baton of leadership it was a discipline. For example, the number one guy that we have a (father). A father who worked hard and become rich in order to feed us. It was rare to see him lazy. For someone who is pioneering life, it is impossible for him to sit out. But what about a slacker who knows how to be champion?
Could it be?When koas stase Community Health Sciences, its just 5 days before the exam, I was a traffic accident. Long story short, my left leg suffered a terrible injury, incredible pain, and swelling. My skin just peeled off a layer of epidermis area of 10 x 10 cm on the left instep. Can imagine how the pangs because under the epidermal layer of nerve fibers is the gathering place.After yelling at the wounds cleaned and bandaged by a nurse, my dad picked up to go home. Along the way I was silent. In my heart feel upset. Time of the accident I was daydreaming. I think there are a lot of rejection, abandonment, differences, etc.. In addition to my carelessness regret the upset, too upset because there are many papers that have not been resolved, and the extension hamlets that have not been held.Previously I was never sick. At most, fever, and even then only lasted one day. But this time really exciting experience. It was in the condition of the broken-hearted because of rejection, abandonment, and the differences, all suffering from pain in the left leg that never subsides. Every time the left foot is placed lower than the knee, it felt incredible pain. It was all the fluid in blood vessels fall into four wounds, and the feet become swollen. Therefore if you have to get out of bed, I lifted my left foot higher than the knees, and jump with the right foot. Two days later he was swollen very big, maybe 2 times the size of my right leg. So like people with filariasis (elephantiasis caused by worms). Since then I spend time in bed alone.Sleep alone, while in bed. Annoyed that never subsides. Trying his best finish paper. Tried to keep coming to the clinic to submit a report to a team of friends. They take care of any need for the exam, while I was told to go home to recover. In that position, I feel really so lazy. I should join them petrified. Can only pray that given the strength to get through this. There are five drugs that I take. An antibiotic, two anti-pain, a high dose vitamin and a drug magh. Effects of pain killer medication only lasted 6 hours, sometimes only 5 hours. I am very grateful to have a mother who patiently helped me change the bandage, bringing food to the room, and reminded to take medication.Until the day of the exam arrived at the health center, my legs still in bandages, and pain if the place is still lower than the knee. Walking on crutches help. Disasters, which I forgot to take pain killer. As soon as the clock shows the number 12 noon, the pain began to burst. Yet just as it was my turn to be tested. Direct brain clean, cling! Due to endure pain to cry and sweat, I did not learn. So yasudah lah, just a minimum investment coming exams. Then there was the following conversation between the testers and me:Doctors 1: "Ma'am Dwiena when an accident?"Me: "hehe 5 days ago Doc .."Doctors 2: "We started it. Dwiena Ma'am, I am curious why you chose to do the weighing in kindergarten? It's existing program of Pokjakal? "A doctor: "I think he took it because it fits with its POA program .. The main cause of children's school that has not come to posyandu ... "Doctors 2: "Yeah right ya Doc. Ms. Yasudah this Dwiena his report is very simple but still we luluskan. Considering it was late, yes let's Enough of this test. I just grinned as nicely as possible. There is a friend of mine who tested up to 1 hour old, I did not even answer any questions the examiner, but be passed.After the exam in the clinic, should the test again on campus. Wound in his back left leg finally dry, but still a pain if the reduced lower than the knee. While resting in bed, I remember my college physician examiners. He says, "If you are writing a mass mediated loaded, I guarantee an A". Before the accident, I've tried to go to the Sound of Freedom, but in fact there are several requirements that must be met in connection with my writing. Until the exam day arrives on campus, I have not included any of my writing kemedia mass. The night before an exam in college, comes the magazine Psychology Plus our subscriptions. Then I open the magazine, there is an article "guarantee the safety of victims of violence against women" is a wonderful picture in the column up Indonesia. As I recall, I sent this article to Psychology Plus because they do not know what else to send anything because my editor wished to send two articles. At that time I only had time to make an article. Cash, a test I was given an A.Miracle like this does not always happen, but we can strive to be our common future life. In every difficulty there is ease (Qur'an 94: 5). As Stephen Covey says, "God have a good price for each of His grants". God has a good price for each grant of prayer by him. Human task is attempted. Humans decide what they dream, God disposes permission. Difficult as any situation, until arriving at the determination, never backward. Everything there is the formula (Robbins, 2009). Sponge cake can be made by following the recipe to make cakes. So smart, then it must learn. But because God disposes permission, sometimes we do not have to always follow the recipe. Sponge cake can be obtained by purchase or be given one, so be smart to listen to the news or a story that happens to increase our insight. No one failed us, unless we ourselves are so decide.To compensate for my laziness helped prepare for the exam, the Lord brings my teammates had prepared for me. Instead, I have felt sick for hours for 12 days. Because I am well aware of the limitations, I asked the owner of all the affairs of this world, to be present in any of my efforts. Then resigned to whatever the results will he given. At that time I think, although I did not pass the exam, I still win because it has been attempted.After 12 days I was finally able to walk and even run and jump. I am thankful for my body to improve the discipline of my left leg that had broken. In general there are three phases of wound healing, namely:A. Inflammatory phase:This facilitated occur in 0-3 days. In the place of the wounded, the narrowing of blood vessels to reduce the flow of blood. Later in the damaged tissue release inflammatory mediators that cause vasodilation called Histamine in other parts causing the sensation of red, swollen, hot, and uncomfortable. After that happened last response: immune cells mobilized macrophages and polymorphs in order to protect the wound from bacteria and clean up dead cells in the injured area.2. Proliferative phase:This phase is called phase reconstruction. Occurred on days 3-24. In this phase, macrophages (one of the immune cells) stimulate the formation of fibroblasts and collagen that underlie the formation of new blood vessels. So that the granulation tissue can occur and that makes Ephitelisasi damaged tissue is replaced with new ones.3. PHASE maturation:This phase occurs on the day of the year to 24-1. This is also called the remodeling phase of restoring cuts like nothing ever happened.The drugs that I take is antiseptic and anti-pain. Furthermore, the body repair themselves who do the job of my left foot injury. If my body is lazy like me, maybe my wounds will never heal.Discipline remains a necessary condition to achieve a goal. Therefore, in accordance berdisiplinlah required field goal. If you still have many limitations to be disciplined in accordance with a prescription that is, at least berdisiplinlah to never give up to chase him. As he slowly, train yourself to be disciplined in accordance with existing prescriptions. The recipe has been discovered by people who have been through what we went through. Never be lazy to ask of them.Do not despair over all the existing limitations. Every human being has the limitations of each. God created human beings so that the limitations of each other and complement one another to love. All the limitations can be overcome while fighting. Spirit!TABLE OF CONTENTSAllah. Of 2010. Qur'an. Cv Toha Putra, Semarang.Covey, Stephen. , 2009. The 7 Habbits. Simon & Schuster Inc., HarvardDjuanda, Adi. , 2008. Dermatology and Kelamin.FKUI, Jakarta.Robbins, Tony. , 2009. Unleash The Power Within. Robbins Research International, Inc., Sandiago
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