Friday, March 23, 2012

5 Benefits Rise and Shine


Victory in the race sometimes is not determined by who is the fastest, but who is to start early. Wake up early means giving you the chance to move first. Meaning you can use this opportunity to become more productive or more energetic than others.Wake up it means:A. Opportunity to plan the day. Amid the silence of a cold morning, you can plan any target that day. Many people are getting out of bed and go straight shower activity. Their activity as an automatic routine. With rising early, we had a chance to reflect on life and short term plans. Quite ten minutes after waking up, start your life with a positive thought. Wirawan using the words: "I was lucky I woke up this morning in good health. I will not squander this gift. Today I am definitely more productive than yesterday and I will learn many things ..." Be careful with the first thought in the morning ... It could be an impression of your heart for 24 hours. Please be proven.2. Opportunity to prepare a healthier life. Having positive thoughts, greeted the first activity by drinking one glass (500 ml) water, warm-up and stretching, wearing sneakers, then go out jogging. In the study ahun 1994 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, 75 male non-smokers do 4 x 30 min / mggu inensitas jogging with 75% VO2max or 6 x 30 min / mggu running with intensity 50% VO2max for 6 months decreased the fat content significant skin and peningkaan levels of HDL (good fats) (Sutter et al, 1994). Sports gave him a lot of energy before starting the activity. Not good if you come to work with a face drawn and haggard from sleep. Another advantage compared to morning sports is sports afternoon: morning exercise was rarely canceled due to our first activity. While the afternoon sports often have to cancel because there is often a sudden unplanned activities.
3. A precious moment to sink in a personal activity. After exercise you can launch the tasks that should be done this afternoon. In the silence, it is convenient for pushing start of the work of the most difficult and most severe. No need to work under pressure, work pretty relaxed while listening to music alone. It gives a boost in productivity. Why? Because at 08.00 when your friends are just starting, you have completed 30% (sometimes even 50%) work for the day. You are more productive because you are not faster, but as you start early.4. Keep us from the pressure. You ever imagined waking up 10 minutes before entering college / office? Certainly very annoying. With up early you can spend a leisurely morning. How about trying to take a bath before sunrise? While enjoying the warm water splash in the cool dawn air you can look for inspiration, something that is almost impossible to do if you bathe like hell. Half an hour before work, you can eat breakfast, whether it pecel rice, chicken porridge, rice team, or even a sandwich. According to the team doker Walden University, U.S., breakfast is one of the most important diet every day because it provides enough energy in the morning in order to berkonsenrasi. For those who want to lose weight will be more successful if they eat breakfast because it will prevent mid-morning snack.5. Into "early bird" also means an opportunity to build long-term benefits. If you usually get to the office / campus earlier than your friends, you can wait. What are you doing? Read. In the morning while waiting for hours of work / college, you can read a chapter. In the afternoon, you read one more chapter. In one month, you can finish 5 books. With up early we can utilize the free time to just 15 minutes that we have accumulated into something productive. This may seem very simple, but long-term benefits will be seen.Actually, how many hours of good sleep seharikah it? This is still being debated. When I was an international seminar Antony Robbins (2009), he said that good sleep is 5 hours a day. While the Occupational health and safety training that I attended last month, one of the sports physicians say that good sleep is 8 hours. I see a lot of innuendo about the royals (Tangi bangsane cloud), for example, which reads: if you spend 10 hours of sleep a day, then you spend 3360 hours to sleep in a year. That means in a year you use the 4.6 months for sleep. If you max age 60 years, it means you spend the next 23 years to sleep.I think personally, I prefer to sleep for 8 hours a day. We need a body that is fit for work. For the fresh graduate whose parents are not rich, they generally work 8 hours a day, 6 days / week. Think of working hours was started from 8 am to 3 pm. After work we still live our personal lives as human beings who need food, ransport, baths, entertainment, socializing, and switch roles. Who had become director of the office, at home a wife to her husband and mother to anak2. We only have 6 hours to finish everything at once. After that, eight hours of sleep that is used to look forward. After 8 hours of sleep, we only had 2 hours to prepare the next day we morn. Unconsciously, intentionally or not, we are being very busy.Possible for a young, fleeting life is like a routine for the purpose of getting rich. Do not forget, that we are entitled to enjoy the life we ​​are living. Enjoy this very narrow time possible, if we are careful enough. God gave us five senses to experience its beauty. Indigo sky, the smell of wet while opening a window, bird house or yard jump, dew dripping from the leaves, the face of family / friends who are still asleep, all that is the beauty that passes as the sun was high. Morning always comes to you with joy. What about you?

REFERENCESAeschbach et al.2003.A Longer Biological Night in Long Sleepers Than in Short Sleepers. JCEM: Canada. , 2003. Skipping breakfast very bad for health. Walden University: U.S. e al. Of 1994. Jogging or Walking - Comparrison of health effects. University of Zurich: Switzerland.

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