Children who are its small body usually smart. We often hear this phrase. This idea evolved from school, to college, and to the professional level. Honestly, I often meet friends who are physically quite mini, but it turned out very well in academic achievement. Excel in a fast thinking, straightforward in expressing an opinion, and incredibly creative. Is this a certainty?Wait a minute. Small and smart body problem I will discuss later.Intelligence is one of the foundations of the enlightenment. Mentioned in the Qur'an, when Allah sent Prophet Sulaeman choose between science and wealth, the Prophet Sulaeman choose to master the science. Deliver the science turns out to be king with power unmatched by any of the kings before him and the kings after him. Name worldwide as King Solomon, who later became a legend not fade against time.Almost every one of us agree that intelligence is a powerful force. No wonder the nation's mission Indoneisa insert "the intellectual life of the nation" in the opening of the 45 Constitution. An attractive, intelligent never scaled genetically. Children can have normal intelligence although born of two parents who are mentally retarded. There is no particular interest in any hemisphere that consists of intelligent people. Then the real Where did intelligence come from?The answer is: Smartphones come from stimulation.Intelligence is not a miracle. He can at present be real. Unfortunately, there are still many people who miss one of our most important stase stimulate human intelligence, that is when the baby is still breastfeeding.I want to tell you a bit of my experience as a child stase koas. At that time I was doing a follow up of health in infants aged 2 months to do surgery is planned urakus umbilical. When I asked if the baby were exclusively breastfed usually every 2 hours or not, the young mother replied, "It was important feeding you? It can be replaced with canned milk. Moreover tired if you have the right nursing every 2 hours. If nursing is too long, the child might grow into a spoiled child. "Not just one time I faced this question. There is another more interesting. On a sunny morning a new patient into the ward of events. Infants aged one month of looking weak, with a loud belly bulge, no bowel movements and a high fever for 3 days. Investigate a investigate, it turns out the baby is being fed a banana just four days ago. After doing some physical examination, investigation, and consultation with a pediatrician, the baby in the diagnosis of constipation due meteorismus bananas. The fear is meteorismus develops into ileus (which can only be treated with surgery) and sepsis (lethal infection). Parents refused to refer patients to a hospital that is more adequate because the cost of tripping. Thanks to baby this one patient, koas on duty day and night do not sleep day and night to monitor the development of this poor baby.Koas not a lack of sleep I want to emphasize here. I want to emphasize is, the mother who gave him a banana saying "So that baby grow up, so I give it a banana. After all, the baby, too. Bananas do appear more dense than milk, do not expect to turn out this way. ". He did not know that the baby has not been able to digest a banana.All kinds of growth processes that occur in our daily life is like a baby's growth may be the children. To be experts in every field, we need to repay the step by step and complete the terms in order to level up. To become a pianist, it must learn to play piano dlu. To have the desired form of muscle, it must be practiced with discipline and hard work in the gym. To become a junior high school students must pass the exam SD. To be healthy toddlers, babies should be nutritionally balanced by discipline. Each stage in the natural must be passed by fulfilling its terms.Terms of optimal stimulation of human intelligence is not impaired brain growth. In infants, this is largely determined by proper nutrition.According to the theory followed by many studies, brain cells grow most rapidly during pregnancy until the age of 5 years. Moment that the "Golden Period". At the age of 5 years, brain weight has reached 90% by weight of the adult brain. At this period the Golden appropriate nutrition and stimulation of the surrounding environment can be very decisive. In 2001 the World Health Organization / World Health Organization states that exclusive breastfeeding for first six months of life babies are the best. Thus, the previous provisions (that exclusive breastfeeding was quite four months) is no longer valid. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months every 2 hours is the best food for babies.Human babies are not miniature adults. Every organ system in infants ranging from the immune system, sensory system, respiratory system, digestive system, muscular system, etc. are not as perfect as adults. For example, in the digestive system, the baby can digest milk just because new baby has the enzyme renin. Although other enzymes are also present, but the number is still very little enzyme and its regulatory system is not perfect. In addition, the strength of the baby's bowel movements are still weak, so he was not able to digest solid food.The infant immune system is also not perfect. Therefore, the provision of complementary foods (solids) at the age of less than 6 months same as opening the gateway entrance dg various types of germs. Not to mention if it is not served hygienically. Recent research results of researchers in Indonesia showed that babies who get solid foods before he turned 6 bl, more stricken with diarrhea, constipation, colds, and hotter than infants who were exclusively breastfed only.
At the age of 7 months, babies should be given its complementary foods such as soft porridge, bananas, water, etc.. Because at this age babies have been able to digest than breast milk, and because the baby will experience tremendous growth faster then require additional nutrients is more than just milk.If adequate nutrition for infants, the baby's immune system will become stronger and grow as they should so that the baby is growing healthily. A healthy baby will experience a more optimal brain growth rather than a sick baby. Thus, the stimulation of intelligence that goes along with good nutrition will run the freeway.Stimulation at the age of the Golden Period begins from the womb to life long. At the beginning of life in the womb, with the sound of classical music, talking, doing activities together, etc. can stimulate the brain which is rapidly growing form of learning circuits easier than doing it as adults.Many young mothers to maximize the time the child to follow a variety of tutoring to catch up during this golden period. Do not forget, that children, especially between the ages of 1-5 years is needed for playing time. Imam Ratrioso a psychologist to straighten an overview of the golden age was the child that the child does not necessarily loaded with 1000 pages of books and various health supplements. Which is more important is the quality of our care. Why?"Since the golden age is a time where children learn about character lines, attitude, intellect, emotions, and moral human being is formed. The better the quality of parenting, and good means more learning pathways that form in the brain "replied the Imam.That is why when we read the biography of great men of the world, from the prophets to ordinary people, we shall find the facts that are not uniform on the origins and social backgrounds. Some are of family and a good environment, and there of the situation and environmental conditions at all uncomfortable.However, every human being has a general similarity in the development of self-termed by experts as a "learning" (a tradition of learning). Learning is an effort for someone to light the fire of genius.One of my life teacher mentioned that there were three human factors into a genius. First, as taught by God directly from the womb. Secondly, being instructed by God indirectly through good parenting from adults around them. Third, being instructed by God indirectly through bitter experience in his life.Certainly we never know where our children belong to this class later. Therefore, the most important thing for parents is to be constantly lit the fire of genius, or stimulate the formation of a variety of learning pathways in the brain, rather like a basket filled with consumerism (insert various courses, taking all kinds of nutritional supplements, etc.). And it's all determined by the pattern of education and quality care.Well, now we go back to the agency relationship is there a small and smart. The answer is: could be yes, could not.Perhaps because of its small body during childhood, but it lacks carbohydrates to absorb more protein. Although the terms are not impaired brain growth is nutrition, but it's all back to how the learning pathways in the brain is formed. If a child is malnourished, the other members of the body will succumb and give it all a little nutrition to the brain. For the benefit of the brain. Then exclusive breastfeeding is important not dunk? Remains very, very important.Stimulation can be done at any time (even though earlier is better). However, exclusive breastfeeding 0-6 months of age is provided so that the baby has the most vital energy for the growth of brain cells and other cells. Besides efforts to stimulate and vitamins than anything, exclusive breastfeeding is the most appropriate business, most efficient, most efficacious and provide opportunities for the establishment of children's intelligence.The conclusion of this paper is, 0-6 months old baby requires only breastmilk from his mother. Milk only. With exclusive breastfeeding baby to be healthy, the growth of brain cells well, so the greater the chance of becoming intelligent.Let us now Budayakan exclusive breastfeeding =)
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