Friday, March 23, 2012

5 Benefits Rise and Shine


Victory in the race sometimes is not determined by who is the fastest, but who is to start early. Wake up early means giving you the chance to move first. Meaning you can use this opportunity to become more productive or more energetic than others.Wake up it means:A. Opportunity to plan the day. Amid the silence of a cold morning, you can plan any target that day. Many people are getting out of bed and go straight shower activity. Their activity as an automatic routine. With rising early, we had a chance to reflect on life and short term plans. Quite ten minutes after waking up, start your life with a positive thought. Wirawan using the words: "I was lucky I woke up this morning in good health. I will not squander this gift. Today I am definitely more productive than yesterday and I will learn many things ..." Be careful with the first thought in the morning ... It could be an impression of your heart for 24 hours. Please be proven.2. Opportunity to prepare a healthier life. Having positive thoughts, greeted the first activity by drinking one glass (500 ml) water, warm-up and stretching, wearing sneakers, then go out jogging. In the study ahun 1994 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, 75 male non-smokers do 4 x 30 min / mggu inensitas jogging with 75% VO2max or 6 x 30 min / mggu running with intensity 50% VO2max for 6 months decreased the fat content significant skin and peningkaan levels of HDL (good fats) (Sutter et al, 1994). Sports gave him a lot of energy before starting the activity. Not good if you come to work with a face drawn and haggard from sleep. Another advantage compared to morning sports is sports afternoon: morning exercise was rarely canceled due to our first activity. While the afternoon sports often have to cancel because there is often a sudden unplanned activities.
3. A precious moment to sink in a personal activity. After exercise you can launch the tasks that should be done this afternoon. In the silence, it is convenient for pushing start of the work of the most difficult and most severe. No need to work under pressure, work pretty relaxed while listening to music alone. It gives a boost in productivity. Why? Because at 08.00 when your friends are just starting, you have completed 30% (sometimes even 50%) work for the day. You are more productive because you are not faster, but as you start early.4. Keep us from the pressure. You ever imagined waking up 10 minutes before entering college / office? Certainly very annoying. With up early you can spend a leisurely morning. How about trying to take a bath before sunrise? While enjoying the warm water splash in the cool dawn air you can look for inspiration, something that is almost impossible to do if you bathe like hell. Half an hour before work, you can eat breakfast, whether it pecel rice, chicken porridge, rice team, or even a sandwich. According to the team doker Walden University, U.S., breakfast is one of the most important diet every day because it provides enough energy in the morning in order to berkonsenrasi. For those who want to lose weight will be more successful if they eat breakfast because it will prevent mid-morning snack.5. Into "early bird" also means an opportunity to build long-term benefits. If you usually get to the office / campus earlier than your friends, you can wait. What are you doing? Read. In the morning while waiting for hours of work / college, you can read a chapter. In the afternoon, you read one more chapter. In one month, you can finish 5 books. With up early we can utilize the free time to just 15 minutes that we have accumulated into something productive. This may seem very simple, but long-term benefits will be seen.Actually, how many hours of good sleep seharikah it? This is still being debated. When I was an international seminar Antony Robbins (2009), he said that good sleep is 5 hours a day. While the Occupational health and safety training that I attended last month, one of the sports physicians say that good sleep is 8 hours. I see a lot of innuendo about the royals (Tangi bangsane cloud), for example, which reads: if you spend 10 hours of sleep a day, then you spend 3360 hours to sleep in a year. That means in a year you use the 4.6 months for sleep. If you max age 60 years, it means you spend the next 23 years to sleep.I think personally, I prefer to sleep for 8 hours a day. We need a body that is fit for work. For the fresh graduate whose parents are not rich, they generally work 8 hours a day, 6 days / week. Think of working hours was started from 8 am to 3 pm. After work we still live our personal lives as human beings who need food, ransport, baths, entertainment, socializing, and switch roles. Who had become director of the office, at home a wife to her husband and mother to anak2. We only have 6 hours to finish everything at once. After that, eight hours of sleep that is used to look forward. After 8 hours of sleep, we only had 2 hours to prepare the next day we morn. Unconsciously, intentionally or not, we are being very busy.Possible for a young, fleeting life is like a routine for the purpose of getting rich. Do not forget, that we are entitled to enjoy the life we ​​are living. Enjoy this very narrow time possible, if we are careful enough. God gave us five senses to experience its beauty. Indigo sky, the smell of wet while opening a window, bird house or yard jump, dew dripping from the leaves, the face of family / friends who are still asleep, all that is the beauty that passes as the sun was high. Morning always comes to you with joy. What about you?

REFERENCESAeschbach et al.2003.A Longer Biological Night in Long Sleepers Than in Short Sleepers. JCEM: Canada. , 2003. Skipping breakfast very bad for health. Walden University: U.S. e al. Of 1994. Jogging or Walking - Comparrison of health effects. University of Zurich: Switzerland.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012



Who want to trim his hands up high high! \ (^ 0 ^) / every woman love a smaller number than the number in the passbook. We now learn how to quickly streamline the body without side effects, no chemical drugs, and without hunger within the shortest short. Aja already rich ads. I seriously * _ * Before that, we need to know how the human ideal body weight.Ideal adult body weight was calculated with The Body Index (BMI) is more valid is used in Indonesia. The formula, weight in units of kilograms (kg) divided by height in inches squared. Writing the following:BMI = (weight (kg): (height (cm)) ²)With the scale is said to Normal: 18-23, Fat:> 23, Slim: <18, obesity:> 25, Malnutrition: <16. Easy right? Once we know the ideal weight, we must know first why have the ideal body weight is better than a fat or skinny.FatI do not mean to offend the friends of his BMI> 23 ... Often we hear that no fat is an important health problem. Wait a minute ... Overweight or obesity can affect many aspects of a person's life from the health, quality of life, social, appearance, self-confidence up. Ever heard of that being overweight have a higher risk to suffer from:A. Heart disease2. Stroke3. Type 2 diabetes4. hypertension5. gallstone6. ulcer7. eclampsia in pregnancy8. cataract9. macro baby in pregnancy10. fatty liver11. atherosclerosis12. micro penis13. aging trend intra organ14. high cholesterol15. metabolic syndrome16. dizziness17. quickly exhausted18. slow motion19. Motorcycle tires are often broken20. not fit into the car21. difficult to find clothes22. Difficult to clean themselves23. Limitations in the style variations of sex24. Urinary tract infections because it is difficult to clean themselves25. Stigma Department of Human Resourcess during a job interview  happened to my friend26. Osteoarthritis (knee pain)  happened to my grandmotherThese are all clear risk factors that often I find on many of my guests (the other way I call the patient. If you call the hospital means patients) as well as family and my friends. Right as I was eager to expound on the twenty-five of the above risks, but this article is more focused with how to get the ideal body weight.Thin

People who are too thin often have more in terms of social issues. Bony describe the impression of social status, appearance, and disease. I think it need not be discussed here we have all understood it.Benefits of ideal body weightGod created human beings as creatures who are free to choose. If there is the best choice, why it is reasonable to choose the other? With ideal body weight then the workload is lighter on system organ. Waivers would be reflected in a person's fitness. The more fit the more productive. The more productive the better the quality of life. Quality of life for the better the chances will be even greater longevity. With so many advantages, people have more choices so dihidupnya. Not whether such freedom is the dream of every human being?Tips for getting your ideal weight:A. Eat regularly according to the daily calorie needsDaily caloric needs diartikel I've discussed previously. Please read again. If no message to be plus Psychology (promotion hehe).2. Eat before hungry, stop eating before satiety3. Eat in a comfortable amount of stomachThis relationship with satiety. Satiety is governed by two things: blood sugar levels, hormone leptin, and the volume of the stomach. With a comfortable amount of stomach, the stomach does not diforsir for stretchy. That's how easy it is theory. When the size of the stomach is too big it will take much charge to make the stomach full and give us a sense of satiety.4. Never mix carbs with protein and fatThis is my favorite. Ever hear or read about food combining? This is an excellent way of eating and diet program effective for me. If you mix it as much as many vegetables meat fish chicken rice milk is a major fruit so slow digestion. Digestion should be complete within 4 hours so it took 8 hours or more. Mix all the food habits like this will probably satisfy hunger but about 4 hours of going hungry because the absorption of nutrients is not as good as finished in 4 hours. We recommend that if you want to eat the rice with vegetables only. Or, if you want to eat beef, chicken, fish it with vegetables only. DO NOT EAT IN THE RICE. Completed no later finished digesting it.5. Drink water at least 2 liters / day70% of our body consists of water. Therefore, give as much water. Water serves as neutralizing poisons the best and easiest. Any disease caused by virus diseases can be defeated by drinking mineral water, as much as many of his. Of the deadly dengue fever can only be defeated by administering intravenous fluids and in essence, is WATER. In addition, water serves as a natural flushing of the body in the detoxification process. If your weight starts to fall, marked by pee more often. This is one sign of fat from too much fat content of the water began to shrink.6. If you want to eat fruit, try 15 minutes before a heavy meal.Did you know that the fruit is digested in the stomach 15 minutes? If more than that then the stomach will release a lot of gas. So, who taught the ancient habit of the fruit as a dessert turned out to be wrong. A good, if you want to eat the fruit, then eat the fruit alone. Wait 15 minutes first, then eat the other.7. Stop drinking sugary drinksDrinking ice that makes fat myth. The meaning of this fat makes the point that given a lot of ice water content and because sugar rim. If only water and ice cubes, this does absolutely no calories, so it does not make fat. Instead, the water ice is favored by tubuhkita, because we are made up of 70% water ...8. Regular defecationBe happy for those of you who are used regularly every day CHAPTER CHAPTER ... because obviously you lose weight and make the body free of toxins every day.9. Regular exerciseWith exercise, we train the heart and blood vessels become more powerful and more flexible. In addition, exercise triggers membentukan HDL (high density lipids) or the so called good cholesterol. Binding function of HDL cholesterol is bad.10. Hold on 9 good habits above for 7 daysWith the simple program above, then the body will adjust itself calorie needs and blood sugar in our body. Fat would be ideal, and the thin will also be ideal. I lost 1 kg / day ... once my weight is now 53kg 62kg. There are other tips ... if hungry, papers. Not allowed to starve on a diet now. When the hunger is too long, so eat 2X can be discharged from the normal portions. Surely it's not going to benefit us? If there are any further questions, please call me ya ;-) good luck!
Fight Stress with Exercise


Homosapien have the same challenges when things go according to plan in the next life: STRESS. One way to control stress in your life is through physical activity-SPORTS. Endorphin hormones that make you feel at ease can be produced with an active body movements that also serves to divert attention away from daily concerns.
Almost all forms of exercise, from aerobics to weight lifting, can act as a stress reliever. Find the relationship between exercise and relieve stress - and why exercise should be part of your stress management plan.
Exercise then the stress will subside
Exercise triggers the production of endorphin hormone which makes the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain to be quiet. This hormone is also produced when you laugh. Therefore, exercise can improve your overall health as well as provide a sense of peace, which makes you better spirit in every step of your day-to-day. In addition, exercise stress can be the most instant consolation.
Exercise is meditation in motion. After a fast-paced games such as tennis or swimming fast, you will often find that you've forgotten a bad day and just concentrated on the movement of your body. When you begin to regularly release your daily stress through movement and physical activity, you might find that this is a new focus on one task. Thus, the resulting energy and optimism can help you remain calm and clear in everything you do.
The above can enhance your mood. Regular exercise can improve confidence and reduce the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often compromised by stress, depression and anxiety. All this can ease your stress levels and give you a sense of "present" in every detail of your life.
Let the sports work to eliminate your stress

Build your fitness level gradually. Despite being very spirit because there is a new activity, not to exercise too much let alone to injury. Plus, if you start your program slowly, likely to be disciplined to be larger. If you are just starting to exercise, start is recommended for 20 to 30 minutes of exercise 3-4 days a week. After that, may be increased gradually. Department recommends getting at least two hours and 30 minutes per week moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking or swimming) or one hour and 15 minutes of aerobic activity per week strong (running) - should be a routine every week in every month in a year. It also recommends strength training exercises at least twice a week.
Do what you love, and love what you do. Do not exercise if you do not like marathon running. Almost all forms of exercise or movement can improve your fitness level and reduce your stress. What is important is choosing activities you enjoy.
For example if you are walking, stair climbing, jogging, biking, yoga, tai chi, gardening, lifting weights and swimming, may be one activity can take your time early in the morning and evening. But because you like it, then it would not be a problem. What is important is that you like it! Berdisiplinlah schedule. I have tips to survive with a new routine or revive tired workout:A. Set some goals: If your main goal is to reduce stress in your life and to recharge your batteries, your specific goals include a commitment to walk during your lunch hour three times a week, or if you are required to meet all your shopping needs on the market. Exercise two or more to facilitate the commitment and motivation.2. Change your routine: If you had to choose competitive sports (such as running, basketball, etc.) then change your options with a less competitive sports such as yoga are more baikhati and soft.
Whatever you do, do not make the sport as satulagi your load. Find an activity that you enjoy whether it's a game of tennis or just a routine morning walk into the list of fun. All forms of physical activity can help you relax and become an important part of your approach to reducing stress.

Thus the description theory. Now, let's talk research. According to De Moor, et al (2006) dipenelitiannya entitled "Regular exercise, anxiety, depression and personality: A population-based study" concluded that the studies were combined and extended from the earlier findings found that regular exercise is associated with cross-sectional neurotic symptoms , anxiety, and depression and the tendency of lower personal development to be extroverts who tend to look for specific communities.
Then his second dipenelitian by De Moor and colleagues 6 in 2008, entitled "Testing Causality in the Association Between Regular Exercise and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression" lists that regular exercise is associated with decreased anxiety and depression in a large population, but do not because of the causal effects of exercise.
If from personal experience, if observed, my friends tend to be more male than female easey going. So it is with friends who used to join a health club or martial sports such as tennis or swimming rarely showed his distress even of those stories of his life is very heavy pressure. Life seemed wonderful.
Sports here may seem you need a specific time later in life. Actually not really, because for a housewife or housekeeper who diligently mopping, sweeping, mowing lawns, washing clothes, beresin warehouse, mengosek bathroom, beresin room that involves activities that make sweat that can also be calculated exercise. If angry, then you will be excess energy. It would be very useful when using the negative energy that is overflowing with positive activities, such as with exercise or clean house, if you are still angry, too, a neighbor's house all cleaned up.
Want to feel good? Let's exercise!
REFERENCESDe Moor, Beem, Stubbe, Boomsma, de Geus (2006). Regular exercise, anxiety, depression and personality: A population-based study. Vrije Universiteit: Netherland.De Moor, Boomsma, Stubbe, Willemsen, de Geus (2008). Testing Causality in the Association Between Regular Exercise and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression. Vrije Universiteit: Netherland.Mayo Clinic Crew. , 2008. Combat Stress by Exercise. Mayo Clinic: Virginia.Waringing (2009). Giant Steps. TDW: Jakarta.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Decent hated Exhaust Fumes

The Decent hated Exhaust Fumes 

 Just as the young man "who is struggling" in general, I am a motorcycle rider. Although the rain, heat, smoke by city bus exhaust fumes, as had his bike, still riding motorcycles everywhere. Hihihi.To consider are: the motor is not like a car. The motor driving means to interact directly with a full traffic emissions (exhaust gas) vehicles, changes in environmental conditions and physical conditions that are open so that the danger of accidents is higher.Often we fail to protect themselves from these 3 things. In fact, the protection that comes from our own simple way. Perhaps, because we often forget what the heck might be due to 3 things that. Therefore, let us remember more ...A. Motor vehicle emissionsIn the past, the function of transportation is really just a place to move in quick time. Now functions as a common standard increases the comfortable lifestyle. Thanks to the advances and payments system that is light, the number of motor vehicles increased from year to year. Agency of the Republic of Indonesia noted that from 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and an increasing number of private cars, trucks, motorcycles, and buses as much as 28%, 12%, and 8.33%.Since the year 1950 - 2011 vehicles circulating in Indonesia are producing emissions (exhaust gas). Long story short, The machine will produce emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), various compounds hindrokarbon, various nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur (SOx), particulate dust including lead (PB), nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water ceremony.In addition to the above emissions, motor vehicle traffic can also increase the levels of dust particles originating from the road surface, tire and brake components. Compounds contained in motor vehicle exhaust gas can react with each other in the air with sunlight and water vapor. These reactions form a cloud photochemical smog (photochemical smog), which falls with rain and pollute water and land plants. Finally, enter the human body from the food chain. 

These effects can be caused by particle emission masing2:a. SO2: irritation of the respiratory mucous membrane to swell and thus increased production of mucus that causes the air flow resistance of the respiratory tract.b. NO2: Experiments on humans stated that levels of NO2 sebsar 250 μg/m3 and 500 μg/m3 can impair respiratory function in asthmatics and healthy individuals.c. O3: WHO task group stated photochemical oxidants O3 exposure at levels of 200-500 mg / m³ in a short time can damage the child's lung function, increased frequency of asthma attacks and eye irritation, and decreased performance of the olaragawan.d. CO: in the blood, CO rid of O2 (oxygen) joined to form karboksihaemoglobin Hb (COHb). This causes a lack of O2 supply to tissues that cause heart and brain. WHO recommends exposure to CO should be <25 ppm (29 mg/m3) in 1 hour and 10 ppm (11.5 mg/mg3) within 8 hours.e. Pb: Anemia was found in blood-Pb levels of adults 60-80μg/100 ml group and the group of children> 40 μg/100 ml. Child's mental development disorders are found in blood-Pb levels 60μg/100 ml. Disruption of nerve function based on psychological tests of adults observed at levels of 50 μg/100 ml Pbdarah. While the edge of nervous system disorders were observed at levels of 30 μg/100 ml Pbdarah.
2. Environmental conditions changeThe motor driving means dealing directly with heat, rain, wind, sun, dust, and much more. For those who love the skin (especially women), this certainly is not a good situation. Why? Because ...a. Wind: the use of the motor speed for 2 h at 60-80km/jam street is a lot of bus and truck lines cause a sticky black dust deposition on the surface as much as 0.4 mm of skin we can imagine what happened when he was attached to the face and left overnight. Acne will appear.In addition, as already described above, the wind carrying particles traffic "evil" and molekul2 dust emissions are mixed with friction tires, brakes, and road particles. ROTECH Health Care Inc., said if the pressure change barometri 30-40mmHg higher or lower then the resulting change in pressure of O2 (oxygen) in the pulmonary alveoli (normally 10-15mmHg). Increase or reduction in the slightest can cause shortness of breath.b. Sunlight: Contains powerful ultraviolet rays on our skin. There are three types: UVA, UVB, UVC is dependent on wavelength. UV beneficial in small amounts to help the formation of vitamin D in the skin. But in large amounts can cause damage to deoxyribonukleat acids that alter the amount and type of chemical that makes skin cells. These changes are responsible for the damage caused by UV is on fire, penuuaan premature skin, wrinkles, and skin cancer.c. Rain: Do not ever underestimate the VS environment body temperature fluctuations. Body be kept warm by three systems: the brain, blood vessels, and skin. Rain can lower the body's skin surface temperature, which then triggers the brain to blood vessel constriction. Then, the muscles do rhythmic movements to maintain body warmth by burning ATP. Be chills. If the condition of the body is fit, shivering will blow over. But if not, then the germs that had been dormant in the body can become activated, which then led to a viral infection that causes fever longer.
3. Physical conditions of the OpenLet's admit it together. Yes, the motorcycle rider's body to expose the real into the world outside. Data from the Department of Transportation says, of 17 732 accidents in Indonesia in 2004, 14 223 of which involve motorbikes.So ... What should we do?If the motor drive 15 minutes a day may do no harm. Would be different if you are a motorist with a high-flying hours. So, how do we protect ourselves from the 3 things above? Inevitably, from the look: Wear a helmet standard, anti-rain jacket Wear, Wear a mask, gloves Wear, Wear kauskaki and footwear.Then, the invisible: Wear a face and body moisturizer that contains sunscreen. Sunscreens have varying kind. There is a form of creams, liquid, gel, or foam. Is the best sunscreen with an SPF, and in accordance with our skin type. Substance is the ability of an SPF sunscreen to reduce the amount of UV rays that reach the skin. If the SPF 15 sunscreen there, then the skin will burn for 15 x 20 minutes = 300 minutes. Twenty minutes was the limit of skin tolerance and UV shock. Outstanding sunscreen and SPF 2 to SPF 34.In choosing the sunscreen should also be considered types of skin. Is the condition of oily skin and acne? If so, choose a sunscreen that is free of oil or non-komedogenik. Chemical sunscreens contain the active ingredient classes of PABA (para amino benzoin), non-PABA, and combinations. PABA groups hinder or block UVA (which makes the pigmentation abnormalities), whereas blocking of UVB (rays that cause sunburn) is weak. Sunscreens contain more and a combination of active ingredients and protect the skin and UVA and UVB rays. By knowing the various sunscreen, it's no more need there is fear that occurs as a result of sun exposure.Then, the protection of the: anti-oxidants. Antioxidants are substances that can slow or prevent the free radical oxidation process. Free radicals are unstable species that have unpaired electrons and electron pairs in the search for biological macromolecules. Lipid protein and DNA from healthy human cells are a source of electron pairs that are good for free radicals. Oxidation conditions can cause damage to proteins and DNA, cancer, aging, and other diseases. Antioxidants are found in many foodstuffs, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids. Given the number of vehicles is increasing from year = increase in motor vehicle emissions = increased free radicals, it is useful to start routinely taking antioxidant supplements.So instead of that, the young fellow "who is fighting", the pesepedamotor on the streets, let's be diligent to protect yourself ... Prevention is better than cure.

REFERENCES• Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia (Statistics Indonesia). , 2009. Development of the Number of Motor Vehicles by Type 1987-2009 year. BPSRI: Jakarta.• Pryde LT (1973) Environmental Chemistry; An Introduction.pp 155-164• Kupchella CE & MC Hyland (1993) Environmental Science, Living within the system• of nature. Pp 270-307• World Health Organization. Of 1977. Environmental Health Criteria No. 3, Lead. Geneva.• World Health Organization. Of 1977. Environmental Health Criteria No. 4, Oxides of nitrogen, Geneva.• World Health Organization. Of 1978. Environmental Health Criteria No. 7, photochemical oxidants. Geneva.• World Health Organization. Of 1979. Environmental Health Criteria No. 8, Sulfur oxides and suspended particulate matter. Geneva• International Workshop on Human Health and Environmental Effects of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Fuels Their snd, Sydney, Australia, 6-10 April 1992• Tri-Tugaswati A, Suzuki S, Kiryu Y, Kawada T. Of 1995. Automotive Air Pollution in Jakarta with Special emphasis on lead, particulate, and nitrogen dioxide. Jpn J of Health and Human Ecology 61:261-75• Japan International Cooperation Agency. Of 1997. The Study on The Integrated Water Quality Management for Jakarta Metropolitan Area. Jakarta
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Monday, March 19, 2012



BACKGROUNDCompanies are required to pay attention on every safety and health (K3). K3 difilosofikan as a thought and effort to ensure the integrity and perfection of both physical and spiritual labor in particular and people in general, work and culture to the affluent and prosperous society. K3 itself aims to prevent possible accidents and occupational diseases. Occupational safety and health (K3) can not be separated with good manufacturing processes and industrial services.In Article 86 of Law 13 of 2003, stated that any worker or workers have the right to obtain protection of occupational safety and health, morals and decency and treatment in accordance with the dignity and religious values.Health and safety factors to be important because it is closely related to employee performance and in turn the company's performance. Increasing availability of health and safety facilities the less the likelihood of accidents. In Act No. 23 of 1992 on Health, Article 23 concerning occupational health.In the article mentioned that the occupational health efforts must be held in every workplace, in particular workplace hazards that have a major safety and health for workers to work in a healthy manner without endangering yourself and the people around him, to obtain an optimal work productivity, in line with the labor protection program. Protection is a human rights that must be fulfilled by any company, especially companies that have a high risk of occupational safety and health of employees.At koas stase IKM, I observe occupational health and safety (K3) in a production company named CV.AM umbrella (initial, red). This company is a company which was founded in 2005 which is engaged in the assembly of promotional umbrellas. Besides this CV also serve to create a cotton bud, and the manufacture of infant kerodong. Building area of ​​this company is 7700 m2.At present the amount of labor in this CV is as much as 214 workers, where 130 workers at the assembly umbrella, 54 workers in the manufacture of cotton bud, and 30 workers in the manufacturing of baby kerodong.
HEALTHY INDOOR PHYSICAL CONDITIONSOn this CV, factory employees worked for 8 hours in 6 days. If there is a 13-hour overtime. During the work, the employee generally spends most of the time to keep silence in the room to complete the job.Can be concluded, that as our employees spend a large of his life in the workspace. Therefore, health workers could be affected by indoor workplaces.A healthy workspace is the same as a healthy home. According to the APHA (American Public Health Ascociation), home health physical condition is as follows: Temp rooms can be maintained (Lower than the outside temp, lighting requirements of natural or artificial light sufficient (TGT of activity), which Have a perfect ventilation (> 10% ), shielded from the noise (<50 dB.A.).

VENTILATION STANDARDS OF HEALTH AND REASONS WHY FilledAccording to APHA, there are two kinds of ventilation in the room is a natural ventilation (vents, doors, windows) and artificial ventilation (fan, exhauster and AC). Comfortable feeling of motion is influenced by wind and turn the air cleaner, is also affected by temperature and humidity of the room.Ventilation holes required depends on the climate (mountains: 5 -> 10% of floor area, the beach: 10 -> 20% of floor space). The position of the ventilation holes arranged in such a way allows for efficient (cross ventilation).
Room that does not have adequate ventilation will cause health problems, are caused by: decreased O2 levels, CO2 levels are rising, rising humidity, room was smelly, microorganisms multiply. As well, the chances of lung disease transmission to be increased because of poor air circulation.Ventilation effect at room temperature. Room temperature should be such that allows for a lot of body heat loss is not too hot or vice versa; cause a lot of heat loss: chilblains, trench foot, frosbite; Overheating (heat stress) cause: heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.Ventilation is also an effect on air humidity. Humidity can be calculated with the tool called psychrometer. According to APHA, workplace air humidity is calculated with Temperature Index Wet and Ball (ISBB): Minister of Manpower 51 1999.ISBB calculated using the following formula: Formula ISBB: Outside the room with radiant heat: SBA ISBB = 0.7 + 0.2 + 0.1 SB SK. Inside or outside the room with no heat radiation: ISBB = 0.7 + 0.3 SB SBA. Description of the formula as follows: SB = temperature of the ball, SBA = natural wet temperature, SK = dry temperature. Based on the Decree No: Physical Factors KEP51/Men/1999 about NAB NAB workplace climate that justified ISBB work are as follows:

With a variety of reasons ditatas, if the work does not meet the ventilation standards, then there arises the possibility of increased disease in workers. Disease that often occurs is Influenza, ARI and tuberculosis.
VENTILATION CONDITIONS IN CV.AMCV.AM is a factory that produces baby kerodong, cotton bud, and umbrellas. Each product in production in different buildings. Building where the production is building a box with an area of ​​10-20m ² + which only has one door, no windows, closed with a tin roof that there are gaps as wide + 10cm from the wall. The buildings are boxes seem like a warehouse used as a production involving hundreds of employees.The most concern is the building where the production of umbrellas. The building is a composite of several buildings which doubles as a storage warehouse with ventilation <5% and 1 at the entrance to an enclosed truck barriers.Based on the testimony of the chief supervisor, employees are more likely to permit sick leave is the umbrella of the production division. In addition, the CV is, employees who remain in cough and cold are allowed to work despite a cold cough. With the ventilation conditions that are less compliant, then the disease cough, runny nose become more easily transmitted. Environmental conditions such as this certainly needs to be fixed for the health of employees. In addition, employees are also threatened with a variety of other diseases if continuing to work in a room with less ventilation as mentioned above.

CONCLUSIONHealth and Safety (K3) is guaranteed by the government. Therefore, all the companies that utilize human labor required to ensure employees K3. Observation of the CV.AM give an example that there is less room ventilation standards. This will adversely affect the health of workers, especially if employees have to work in that room for 8 hours in a period of more than 1 week. To realize maximum productivity, the ventilation required to meet the standards that employees can work optimally.